Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Challenging Current Boundaries & Perceptions of Emergency Care Essay

Challenging Current Boundaries & Perceptions of Emergency Care - Essay Example The researcher of this proofreading analyzes the article, that discusses on the implications that shift work, particularly night work, has on nursing and the well being of individuals as well as patient care. It gives practical advice about how to cope with night shifts and also gives suggestions on the ways of improving health and well being. All of these could be examined and proven as to how it could be implemented in an emergency care setting. However, they do not detail the ways to cope with the turnaround from nights to days, the legal requirements in relation to the above, the health and safety issues associated with shift work and with nurse’s health. In addition, it is stated that patients safety has been poorly explored. They have also failed to investigate the effectiveness of set shift patterns whether they are permanent night staff or set pattern of rotation. While the article title could mislead one to believe that it deals with both night and day shifts, the art icle, however, is centred on night shift work only. Shift work is defined as a period of work performed outside the normal spread of working hours, particularly in a factory or business that operates on a 24 hour basis. Nurses, in general, are expected to work a period of night duty and be able to demonstrate an understanding of patient experiences of health care 24hours a day and seven days a week, but there is contradiction with this, that was analyzed in Challenging Current Boundaries & Perceptions of Emergency Care paper in detail.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Game Theories Essay Example for Free

Game Theories Essay In â€Å"Game theories†, Clive Thomson contrasts the differences and similarities between the real world and that of the gaming world, through his depiction and analysis of the economics in both environments. To further drive Thomson’s insight, As a group we discussed two main points that are integral in understanding his perspective on the matter. One, the idea of an â€Å"economical pure model,† a scenario that is present in the gaming world as all individuals are born equal. Two, corruption- the idea that venality exists, and can exist the same way in the gaming world. The existence of both of these topics solidifies Thomson’s claims and can be explored through various examples and scenarios. As Smith states, â€Å"people inherently prefer a free market and the ability to rise above others,† a market that is non-existent as the world offers no â€Å"truly level playing field. † As individuals, we are born into an unpredictable environment that varies immensely between people. Whether the variation occurs in status, finance or cultural demographic, it’s impossible to create a baseline where we can interpret all as equal. â€Å"Capital was inherently unfair and those with power would abuse it,† thus there is no â€Å"pristine world† that exists. However, the gaming world offers individuals with the opportunity to begin as equals. There is no advantage to birth in this surreal world, and thus creating â€Å"the world’s first egalitarian polity. This ideal world is enjoyed by the millions of gaming fanatics who enjoy the undoing of â€Å"all the inequities in society,† something which can only be dreamt about in our world today. Ironically, the corruption that exists in our reality is also mirrored in the gaming community. Players can create businesses within the game, whether clean or dirty, a player can acquire currency through their endeavours. For example, certain individuals within the highly popular simulation game ca lled The Sims Online, a player developed a chain of brothels which led to sizeable profit in gaming currency. Another created a mafia that had the ability to red flag other players and eventually push them to be blacklisted leaving them isolated from other fellow gamers. Through the gaming worlds creation of an egalitarian polity we are shown the existence of an economic pure model in a surreal environment. Corruption that exists in society today is also equally present in the gaming world, that which is produced by the player. Both of these topics were openly discussed and used to further empower Thomson’s contrast of both worlds.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Civil Rights Movement :: Equality Segregation Racism Essays

The fight for equality and against segregation has always been a noble fight. But is inflicting your rage onto those who have inflicted theirs upon you keep your nobility or just bring yours down to their level? Especially when there is a great deal of violence being used. This never-ending battle between the blacks and the whites has tormented the U.S. for years and still goes on in some areas. During the 1950’s –1960’s the civil rights movement was at its peek. This was when the African-Americans were growing impatient and could not wait a minute longer before they had their constitutional and God given rights. Many peaceful marches, sit-ins, and boycotts were usually always greeted at the end with police, attack dogs, firemen, and ambulances. African- Americans started their own â€Å"police force† called The Black Panther Party so they can supposedly arm themselves against the white people. While others such as Malcolm X tried to convince black people that the whites were not going to help them and that they have to stand up for their own rights. Many riots were also taking place across the nation destroying many cities. After waiting for 300 years so they can have rights that every human being should naturally have they were angry and angry people are not very reasonable. As a result of getting rid of integration many people come up with peaceful marches, sit-ins, and boycotts as a solution. This was when hundreds or maybe thousands of young and old black people gathered around as a group so they can be heard and seen by everyone. Their goals would always vary but they would never stop until they have reached them, even though it may include violence. A good example would be in Birmingham, Alabama on May 2, 1963. Their goals were to try to stop integration in public facilities and department stores. The leaders were Dr. Martin Luther King and Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth. Early on April 12, 1963 they were arrested for marching when the governor told them not to. Directly on their release on April 20 they planned their second march. Their second march included a thousand people and when they barely started marching a block away the police commissioner was waiting for them and brutally arrested 900 people. The next day 25,000 people came out to march including many children. This time instead of arresting them they sprayed water and let loose attack dogs. The Civil Rights Movement :: Equality Segregation Racism Essays The fight for equality and against segregation has always been a noble fight. But is inflicting your rage onto those who have inflicted theirs upon you keep your nobility or just bring yours down to their level? Especially when there is a great deal of violence being used. This never-ending battle between the blacks and the whites has tormented the U.S. for years and still goes on in some areas. During the 1950’s –1960’s the civil rights movement was at its peek. This was when the African-Americans were growing impatient and could not wait a minute longer before they had their constitutional and God given rights. Many peaceful marches, sit-ins, and boycotts were usually always greeted at the end with police, attack dogs, firemen, and ambulances. African- Americans started their own â€Å"police force† called The Black Panther Party so they can supposedly arm themselves against the white people. While others such as Malcolm X tried to convince black people that the whites were not going to help them and that they have to stand up for their own rights. Many riots were also taking place across the nation destroying many cities. After waiting for 300 years so they can have rights that every human being should naturally have they were angry and angry people are not very reasonable. As a result of getting rid of integration many people come up with peaceful marches, sit-ins, and boycotts as a solution. This was when hundreds or maybe thousands of young and old black people gathered around as a group so they can be heard and seen by everyone. Their goals would always vary but they would never stop until they have reached them, even though it may include violence. A good example would be in Birmingham, Alabama on May 2, 1963. Their goals were to try to stop integration in public facilities and department stores. The leaders were Dr. Martin Luther King and Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth. Early on April 12, 1963 they were arrested for marching when the governor told them not to. Directly on their release on April 20 they planned their second march. Their second march included a thousand people and when they barely started marching a block away the police commissioner was waiting for them and brutally arrested 900 people. The next day 25,000 people came out to march including many children. This time instead of arresting them they sprayed water and let loose attack dogs.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Manager Production Essay

GENDER Fewer differences between men and women that affect job performance. GENDER 1. Women are more willing to conform with authority. 2. Men are more aggressive and more likely to have expectations of success. 3. Women with pre-school children prefer part-time work, flexible work schedules, and telecommuting to accommodate family responsibilities. GENDER 4. No consistent male-female differences in: ? ? ? ? ? ? Problem solving ability Analytical skills Competitive drive Motivation Sociability Learning ability 5. Absenteeism – no significant differences. People in the workplace do identify more with  people like themselves so in some cases there may be opportunities given to people based on the fact that they are like their supervisor. RACE & ETHNICITY †¢ People in organization may favor employees of their own race. †¢ On the basis of race people some times get lower ratings in interviews, paid less and promoted less frequently. †¢ Some scholars argue that it is not productive to discuss race for policy, biological, genetics and anthropological reasons. TENURE Tenure refers to the length of time people have been on the job and is tied to seniority. Recent evidence demonstrates a positive  relationship between seniority and job productivity. †¢ Tenure (work experience) appears to be a good predictor of employees productivity. †¢ Longer a person stays in a job, less likely to quit. TENURE †¢ In terms of both frequency of absence and turnover, tenure is the single most important explanatory variable. †¢ Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. †¢ Tenure and job satisfaction are positively related. †¢ Stable predictor of job satisfaction than chronological age. OTHER BIOGRAPHICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1. Religion †¢ May impact the workplace in areas of dress, grooming and scheduling Sexual Orientation †¢ Federal law does not protect against discrimination (but state or local laws may). †¢ Domestic partner benefits are important considerations. 3. Gender Identity †¢ Relatively new issue – transgendered employees. INTELLECTUAL ABILITY †¢ Ability – defined as an individual’s capacity to perform the various tasks associated with the job. It is a current assessment of what one can do. †¢ Intellectual ability – are abilities needed to perform mental activities like, thinking, reasoning, problem solving etc. INTELLECTUAL ABILITY. Smart people generally earn more money and  attain higher levels of education. †¢ General Mental Ability (GMA) takes a look at overall intelligence and is generally recognized by researchers. †¢ Wonderlic Personnel Test is generally used as a quick measure of intelligence in the hiring/recruitment process. DIMENSIONS OF INTELLECTUAL ABILITY Number Aptitude Verbal Comprehension Memory Spatial Visualization Intellectual Ability Deductive Reasoning Inductive Reasoning Perceptual Speed NUMBER APTITUDE †¢ Is the ability to do speedy and accurate arithmetic. †¢ Will be effective in jobs requiring mathematical ability, such as an Accountant. VERBAL COMPREHENSION †¢ Verbal comprehension is the ability to understand what is read or heard and the relationship of words to each other. †¢ This ability will be helpful in jobs where the manager needs to understand policies in order to carry out their job tasks. PERCEPTUAL SPEED †¢ Perceptual speed is the ability to identify visual similarities and differences quickly and accurately. †¢ This particular ability is helpful when an employee needs to take in a lot of information and make decisions about the patterns, such as a Detective or Inspector. INDUCTIVE REASONING. Inductive reasoning is  present when an individual can identify a logical sequence in a problem in order to help find a solution. †¢ An employee who needs to make decisions about the future based on historical information will need this ability. DEDUCTIVE REASONING †¢ Deductive reasoning is the ability to use logic and assess the implications of the argument. †¢ When making choices between two different possible solutions to a problem, a manager would need to call upon their deductive reasoning skills. SPATIAL VISUALISATION. Spatial Visualization is when someone can imagine how an object would look if its position  in space was changed. †¢ An employee who needs to make decisions about office setup or interior design would need to have a high level of spatial visualization ability. MEMORY †¢ Memory is the ability to retain and recall past experiences. †¢ Individuals who need to act quickly in a situation, such as a paramedic or nurse, would need a significant degree of memory ability. INTELLEGENCE & JOB SATISFACTION †¢ While intelligence is a big help in performing a job well, it doesn’t make people happier or more satisfied with their jobs. †¢ The correlation between intelligence & job satisfaction is about Zero.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Roper Logan

The model of nursing that I will use for this assignment was originally developed by Roper in 1976. It was then added and updated in 1980, 1981 and 1983 by Roper, Logan & Tierney. The Roper (1996) model offers a framework for nurses so they can check credit is taken into account when undertaking any nursing care plan.There are four main stages of the nursing process as identified by Yaura & Walsh (1978) †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Assessment†¢Planning,†¢Implementation†¢EvaluationDuring any assessment the nurse’s goal is to determine what the patient can & can not do and link that to the activities of daily living (ADL). They will also take into consideration any environmental factors that might affect the individual and their ability to carry out ADLs.The objective in this model of nursing is to be able to identify the patient’s individual needs & lifestyle, and to make a decision on any potential problems related to carrying out ADLs for that person. This model of nur sing has been used in a number of different settings the 12 activities of daily living are related to basic human needs. The 12 activities are:†¢ Maintain a safe environment†¢ Communication†¢ Breathing†¢ Eating & drinking†¢ Mobilisation†¢ Working & playing†¢ Elimination†¢ Washing & Dressing†¢ Controlling Temperature†¢ Expressing sexuality†¢ Sleeping†¢ DyingIn order to maintain patient confidentiality and for the purpose of this assignment, certain personal details of the essay (Care Plan) have been omitted, such as patient name. This is done in accordance with nursing midwifery code of professional conduct (2007) guidelines so I shall use an alias name in the essay (Care Plan) and the patient shall be referred to as Mrs Cullan.In this assignment I shall look at how I, as a student nurse, can make a care plan in relation to one of the 12 activities of daily living. I shall focus on communication for this assignment.Mrs Culla n was a patient, coming into a day procedure unit for cataract extraction surgery, and I followed the patient from admission, into theatre and then into recovery. The patient involved is a 78 year old female; she is a widow and lives alone but has relatives who live near her. She has worn glasses since she was a young girl but lately she has noticed difficulty  reading & watching TV, this was in despite of the fact that she had received a new lens prescription. Mrs Cullan also found that she had to stop driving at nig†¦

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sexual Harassment Essay

Sexual Harassment Essay With all the means of technology people use recently, they are informed of most of the accidents and incidents, which occur in this world if not all of all of them. It is noticeable that the number of sexual harassment cases taking place is increasing rapidly, which gives a clear idea of the existence of many reasons, one of which is how people in authority are not taking this huge problem into account and are not trying to prevent it. Such actions have serious consequences and, which results in that the world should make fast moves towards preventing these actions from happening and saving many young teens in the best years of their lives from being mentally or even literally destructed. It is most likely for people, who hear the term â€Å"sexual harassment† to think that the victim is from the opposite sex, and is mostly a woman. In this matter it was cleared out that the harasser and the victim can be from the same sex no matter who harasses whom. Sexual harassment is any unwelcome or unwanted attention either by touching or talking to a reasonable person in a way he/ she does not like. This term sometimes extends to include gender harassment, harassment based on sexual orientation, and Sexual abuse. It also in result it is a very important step that the victim tells the harasser that what he is doing is not welcome nor is it wanted. In other words it is legally not considered harassment if the victim does not express his/ her rejection to the action the harasser is forcing on him. The action of assault or harassment is usually carried out by person, who is in a position of power. Harassers know they are doing something against the law or at least wrong and that’s why they work hard to keep it hidden. In order to do that they either have to hide their identity or show it but in the same time have the ability to keep the victims mouth shut under every condition. Being someone’s boss or higher-level co-worker gives the harasser the power to do what they desire and keep it in the dark. Judith Brandenburg wrote in her book Confronting Sexual Harassment: â€Å"Sexual harassment is not an exclusively sexual issue but may be an exploitation of a power relationship. Like any other power struggle, many instances of sexual harassment are initiated and negotiated by a person in a position of authority and are sustained at the expense of another who cannot counter demands without risk of reprisal (student teacher vs. student, principal vs. teacher)† (B randenburg,). As a human nature people don’t do anything unless they want to, in other words the motivation should exist for any action to be done. Although sexual harassment is not an accepted deed within any society, it still does have motivations. Harassers are people and they make mistakes, but there is something that pushes them towards such a behavior. One of the reasons is the way women dress that some times gets beyond attractive to be sexy, which is irresistible for some people. Another motivation, the place of work some women choose to work within. Some women’s profession or study field obligates them to be surrounded with a masculine environment. This will make it more possible for them to hear dirty jokes and manly comments and some how harassed if they don’t like to face such situations, when they still do go through them. Furthermore, the society, culture, environment, morals and people form a person’s personality and way of thinking. For instance, living in a society like the United States or European countries would create people who would commit an action like the harassment. Because analyzing the way the people in these countries live, a person would come out with an assumption that their life is almost all about having fun and drinking and even doing drugs, which all are means that make the person lose his mind in a way or another, and then do things that wouldn’t remember next morning, or he would but with a killing regret. As mentioned above the way people dress is also a huge factor in this problem. Thinking of the way the young interact with each other also gives an impact about what’s going on, for a kiss is no longer valuable as it was. Everybody kisses everybody at all times; happiness and sorrow, which is what makes these teenagers always ask for more. Meanwhile living the opposite side of the world such as the Arabic/ Islamic counties presents a whole different viewpoint. Islamic â€Å"Shari’a† forms the way Moslems deal with everything in their lives. This Shari’a bands any interaction between female and male unless for education, business, work, and all essential elements of living. In addition to that limitation women should be dressed a certain way so that they would not cause the attraction, which then results in problems and crisis that are unsolvable and harmful. Women should cover every part of their bodies excluding the face and hands, and the dresses should never be tight, short, or too long to walk with. It should be a decent color and decent jewelry that does not bring noise. Same for shoes heals, for they cannot cause noise while walking. Cosmetiques are not allowed for two reasons; one is that they change the way God created the person. Secondly, they attract the other sex and cause what is not s upposed to exist. Shari’a also banned looking at peoples’ bodies no matter if they were covered or not. Drinking, doing drugs, and kissing, and any further action in this matter is completely forbidden. This environment absolutely safe, and does not allow any type of harassment to take place. The previous was a small set of the differences between the two societies if a person can limit them in tow. Many consequences rise based on sexual harassment; beginning with the victim on personal bases this person’s life changes ‘180 degrees’. He may develop psychological and somatic symptoms that mirror those of victims of other crimes, particularly sexual assault. He reports anxiety, depression, irritability, anger, weight-loss, uncontrolled crying, fatigue and dental problems. On professional bases they perform decreased job satisfaction, performance and a disruption in his career and relationships with his co-workers. It affects the harasser a little differently, for the harasser does not face any outcomes unless allegations against them were investigated. The harasser will also face both personal and professional reprisals for their behaviors. He will face career related outcomes and strained relationships with coworkers. This person will not be trusted anymore, and his friends and everybody he knows will be shocked and not able to interact with this person any lo nger. He as well may lose his career and family. Not only does the sexual assault hurt the people involved, but it also gets beyond that to get more people harmed. The victim’s family are one example of how people can get worried, feel sad and uncomfortable dealing with a member if their family that went through such a horrible experience. The harasser’s family and friends would not feel comfortable living with this person anymore, because a person heartless like the harasser would either be mentally sick, who needs to be treated or a person that is simply dangerous. Moreover, unfortunately these the whole society gets affected by such cruel actions; people generally would not feel safe for their sons or daughters if they were not home at a certain time, which would make the parents limit their children’s freedom. The regulations people make are not convenient for either of the parents or the children. All these reasons and consequences that some people go through will not come out healthy on any scale. Now is the punishment the right solution? Is the punishment harassers have to face enough for them to stop what they started? Punishment for sexual harassment will range from informal counseling and apology to suspension, dismissal and legal civil and criminal prosecution. The severity and frequency of the harassment will determine the extent of the punishment. Those kinds of punishments are enough fir a person to stop such a behavior. Moreover, a person like the harasser does not have stable personality, which is why during the punishment, no matter what kind it was, he will only think about revenge. The thinking he will be making all this period of sentence will about the next victim; how he or she will look? Where and how? Next step will be the same exact behavior but acted more professionally and more carefully. The society will not achieve anything from this trial or punishment that the government or justice put this person through but making this person even more eager to get his freedom completely and do whatever he desires again like he used to. Off course there are people who learn from their mistakes, who will finish their punishment period live straight ever after. On the other had the question what about the victim and all the changes in his life? Wouldn’t it be much easier if nothing has happened from the beginning? Sometimes, when a person think about it, he finds out it is really hard for the victim to recover and live his life. In other words it seems like a part of this person’s life was ended and no longer exist. He never will trust anybody, and he will always be horrified if anybody touched him or tried to be nice. It is not as easy as it seems, on the contrary it is very hard. For the human kind were created on the base that they need each other to survive. Cooperation and love and help are thing that people can’t miss in their lives. And what this harasser does, is kill every sense of trust this person ever had. Would anybody have the right to end the harasser’s life and let the society live in peace? No body has the right to do that though. Even in the Islamic Shari’a they take the punishment out if the action so the criminal would be punish by death if he killed nay body. Nevertheless Moslems still have to kill this person. For other religions and laws it is banned to kill anybody under any condition. Furthermore, waiting for the punishment to solve the problem, the country would not achieve any improvement towards ending this crisis. Mostly those cases are kept in the dark and not reported for many reasons. First, most women would not report such accidents, because they were threatened when they first were forced to face the attack. They would still have the same feeling after. She would live with the feeling of getting hurt if she tells anybody. Secondly, they take into account the possibility of not proving the action on the harasser, which is when the victim would rather kill herself than live with fear of re-experiencing what she has experienced again. And even if the trail the way the victim and her lawyer hope, what will happen next? The harasser will spend a certain amount of time getting punished and the fear will still exist, for the question then is what will he do after the punishment? Secondly, if the place where the crime took place was a place like a school or a university, this place has a certain reputation that they most likely want to either keep or grow, but never decrease. For those peoples punishment is not the right answer all they have to think about is how to cut this unhealthy deed out completely. They should deal with this the same way they deal with cancer either cure it by cutting it off of the body or let the ill die. There is no other solution. Curing this problem evolves around prevention. The prevention is all programs that can include all kinds of people; families, parents, the young and especially teenagers at school. Because the prevention is not all about stopping the harassers from committing any action, but it is also about making the young aware of the world and what happens around them. They should not be naÐ ¿ve, one the contrary they should know they should not trust anybody. Off course they should have somebody to rely on, but not everybody. Friends and family members, whom they have known for along time, are a perfect example of trustable people that they can hang on to. Programs like these should exist and take place in primary and high schools, in universities and colleges, even in work places. Moreover teacher and principals should be aware of what is going on between students and fats steps towards stopping any action that might be considered as harassment. The younger these pupils were when we start with them the better. Because children always learn faster and never forget something they were taught during their childhood. People consider schools another home for their children, for they spend half of the time in the school, where they form the life friends. For that reason teachers and schools faculty should be carefully chosen. In order to have the young raised right with no problems as being harassed and other problems educational system should make sure they make interviews expanded to include psychologists that could find out the kind of mentality the teachers have and their abilities, and what they are capable of doing. The government should be responsible for people in streets, bars, and nightclubs, and people that are drinking alcohol and doing drugs. The age for drinking alcohol should be raised to 25, because at this age people are mostly mature enough to stop themselves from doing stupid acts. Drugs should be banned entirely and serious punishments should be taken against those who do it or deal with it. Not only do these people dealing with drugs gat themselves harmed, but they also get other innocent young females and males. For instance there are kinds of drugs, which make the person lose conscience for two days in a row. These types of drugs are mostly used in clubs and bars. Guys would drop this drug in the girls’ drinks, them they pass out, and later only God knows what will happen next. At lease they will be raped. Government should also be responsible for people, who stay in the streets all night for no reason, for those people who have nothing to care about not a family, and themselves, would not care about other people’s convenience. It is not that people should not feel free to do whatever they feel like doing. Nevertheless, if this freedom conflicts with the safety of other people, they should choose safety over freedom. On a personal level, families should never give a complete freedom to their children. These young men and women still have plenty of time to use their right and freedom, when they are a little older and more aware of what is going on. Parents should take into account that no matter how wisdom their children seem to have, they still lack the experience they have earned over years. And that is the reason, for which they should make some rules and yet stand for them. You can order a custom essay, term paper, research paper, thesis or dissertation on Sexual Harassment topics at our professional custom essay writing service which provides students with custom papers written by highly qualified academic writers. High quality and no plagiarism guarantee! Get professional essay writing help at an affordable cost.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Athena essays

Athena essays Athena is the Greek goddess of war, arts, skill, and most of all, wisdom. The Romans identify her as Minerva (Hamilton 29). She sprung fully grown from her father's head, but there are many different versions of how that came to be. Some believe that she had no mother, while others think Metis, one of Zeus's many consorts, led to the birth of the Athena ( When people conjure up the image of Athena in their mind, a woman wearing a full armor is usually envisioned. In most pictures, she also carries a lance and a shield with Medusa's head mounted upon it. Athena is also frequently revealed with an owl perched on one of her shoulders, the owl being a symbol of wisdom. In many vase paintings, she is also depicted with birdlike wings ( One of Athena's admirable traits is her compassion, as proven in many of the myths told about her. The story of Arachne and Athena's weaving contest is well known. Athena is not only known for wisdom, but also for her skills in weaving. Arachne however, was also popular in that aspect. Her weavings were so beautiful nymphs left their homes to watch her while she worked ( Arachne boasted that her work was greater than the Goddess's, and the contest more or less proved that her weavings were equal to Athena's, if not better. Any Goddess would not be able to stand being surpassed by a mere mortal, so Athena, in a fit of rage, tore Arachne's hard labor into pieces. The woman tried to commit suicide, but Athena took pity on her, and allowed her to live on as a spider, forever weaving webs ( During other times, when criminal trials came to conclusions in which votes were split equally, Athena voted to free the accused, revealing the side of the Goddess that understood and forgave human errors ( Athena played a great influential role in her time. During a society in which women were "reduced to ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Quotes From the Movie Wedding Crashers

Quotes From the Movie 'Wedding Crashers' The tagline for the movie Wedding Crashers is Lifes a party. Crash it. The movie deals with the exploits of two men, John Beckwith and Jeremy Grey, who crash weddings hoping to have a good time, drink free alcohol and pick up women. The film has several hilarious moments that make viewers laugh out loud. The following ​Wedding Crasher quotes take you on a journey through this laugh-a-minute comedy. John Beckwith What are you doing? Its a game of touch football, every time I look over youre on your ass again.What are you going to do for an encore? Walk on water?You know how they say we only use 10 percent of our brains? I think we only use 10 percent of our hearts.Im sorry I called you a hillbilly. I dont even know what that means.Love doesnt exist, thats what Im trying to tell you guys. And Im not picking on love, cause I dont think friendship exists either.Were brothers from New Hampshire. Were venture capitalists.I am going to go dance with the little flower girl. Oh, and I might be a charter member of Oprahs book club. Jeremy Grey Tattoo on the lower back? Might as well be a bulls eye.Grab that net and catch that beautiful butterfly pal.Im gonna go see Dr. Finklestein, and Im gonna tell him we have a whole new bag of issues. We can forget about mom for a while.I felt like Jodie Foster in The Accused last night.I happen to know everything there is to know about maple syrup! I love maple syrup. I love maple syrup on pancakes. I love it on pizza. And I take maple syrup and put a little bit in my hair when Ive had a rough week. What do you think holds it up, slick?I hope you flip your bike over and knock your two front teeth out! You selfish son of a bitch! You leave me in the trenches taking grenades, John!A friend in need is a pest.Im just warming up. Last week I did an exact [balloon] replica, to scale, of Wrigley Field. Honest to God. I dont have anywhere to put it.She hasnt returned your phone calls, she hasnt responded to any of your letters, she didnt respond to the candygram. God knows what happened to the kitten you got for her. Cause she didnt keep it, and I know youre not raising the goddamn thing. I think its very obvious at this juncture that she just flat out does not wanna see you. Im not perfect, but who are we kidding. neither are you. Chazz Reinhold Grief is natures most powerful aphrodisiac.  I almost numchucked  you; you dont even realize!  Yeah, her boyfriend just died. Dude died in a hang-gliding accident! What an idiot . Mrs. Kroeger You shut your mouth when youre talking to me! Todd Cleary Death, you are my bitch lover. Vivian Would you say youre completely full of shit or just 50 percent?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Public Relations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Public Relations - Assignment Example Researching of famous personalities and their job descriptions proves helpful as it highlights the related areas for application (Andrews, 2009). I started my job hunt online by searching for a list of jobs under public relations covering media and journalism. I came up with a list of jobs I researched online. They include; The search gives the range of jobs with general specifications on the qualifications. However, I establish direct chat with the online operators for further assistance on the specifications of the public relation jobs (Andrews, 2009). Direct online chats with the various targeted companies confirm the job availability and the terms of the firms. Online job research for public relations gives a wide range of jobs. It is effective and easy. One has to know the various internet links and how to upload resumes in applying for jobs (Davis, 2003). Various questions still arise on the proper steps for online research in public relations. The qualification each job requires is still in

Week 4 research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Week 4 research paper - Essay Example Studies also found out that learning support system in companies is weakened and experts suggest that it should be enhanced to cater the new skills required by the emerging jobs offered. Also jobs are impossible to be gone as resignation and employees get redundant in firms. Probably the job mismatch is the problem that makes other people unemployed while the firms continue to look for replacements to fill-in the vacancies for months. As a solution, other companies tap the Internet and computer to outsource their works despite of geographical limitations as it offers cost-effective ways on doing the tasks for both the employers and workers. Employment has always been the common way for people to earn income to sustain the needs of their own and their families. They work in exchange for money and other forms of remuneration wherein the rate of salary is on a per-hour basis. It started in the Industrial Age where the factories were very popular and the prevailing trend was equal pay for equal work. In the economy of today, the same trend seems to be declining and problems arise. As globalization started and continue to progress from the late twentieth towards the twenty-first century, various changes occurred in the way people work and conduct businesses. Various perspectives have been used to study, identify and analyze the situations to come into terms on how to deal with the arising problems. It is about management, but it seems to be many things must be managed and it is not only about control. Perhaps the past principles in management and leadership may still be applied for the present conditions, but new theories, perspectives and improvements must be done to further understand and cope up with the fast pacing of the world today. People are caught in the confusion as knowledge and skills advance so quickly that the

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Difference between Sexual Practice and Identity Essay

The Difference between Sexual Practice and Identity - Essay Example This has forced these plants to bring international economic activities into effect. Another characteristic that helps maquiladoras enforce the globalization of economy is their main function, which is assembling key components into final products. These products are then to be exported into foreign markets. Maquiladoras also encourage globalization of economy by widely negating capital investment, production services and upper management without the exaction of duties (global economy and trade thrive most in areas where duties and tariffs are either negated or minimized). How Maquiladoras affect women around the world Corey Mattson, Marie Ayer and Daniela Mijal Gerson maintain that maquiladoras have greatly affected women globally, and unfortunately, in a negative manner. This, they do by corroborating information that MADRE, MUIXIL, Barcenas Women’s Working Committee and the Information Women’s Human Rights Clinic has provided. Mattson, Ayer and Gerson point out that maquiladoras have promoted femicide, political discrimination and violence against women, and outright violations of human rights in the maquilas. Mattson, Ayer and Gerson maintain that in Guatemala, there are hundreds of cases of femicide that have materialized over a few years. These scholars point out that while men are killed in greater numbers, what makes women’s case unique is that their killing is more deliberate, calculated, despite ICCPR’s articles 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 16, 17, 19, 26 and 27 having proscribed such killings. Even after having passed domestic legislation to curtail the negative development, the government of Guatemala has not really been able to stop this vice (485). Mattson, Ayer and Gerson continue that femicide can be traced as far back as 36 years ago when the country slipped into internal conflict that has seen women being killed and raped as a way of destroying the enemy family structure, the community or even the whole country. They cite the Co mmission for Historical Clarification (CEH) to state that by 1994 alone, 9,411 women have been lost to gender based violence in the wake of the conflict. At the center of this conflict is the fight over state resources, including maquiladoras. That the government has a stake in the war is a matter that is clearly exemplified by the rampant impunity in Guatemala. From 2005 to 2007, only a meager 2% of 2,000 cases of femicide were prosecuted to their conclusive end. In the movie Maquilapolis, the mistreatment of women is equally bizarre within the confines of maquiladoras factories. Most employees are women who are paid less and work for long office hours. These women are for instance not allowed to visit washrooms or engage in communication, in order to keep production optimal. As a result, reports of nose bleeding and other conditions that are symptomatic of kidney problems remain popular among these female workers in maquiladoras. Q. 5. The Difference between Sexual Practice and Id entity Identity greatly affects sexual practices. This is because, cultural settings greatly molds human behavior, by the virtue of its moral power. Instead, morality has its essence seen in the prescription of behavior either being right or wrong, ethical or unethical, noble or ignoble. This therefore means that sexual and nonsexual practices are thoroughly defined as only being able to be carried within the parameters of the societal values and

Interesting Topic on Decision making Research Paper

Interesting Topic on Decision making - Research Paper Example Critical decision making on critical issues that affect the performance of the whole organization is normally coordinated and made by the top leadership of the organization. Organizations that make weak or poor decisions show the kind of bad leadership they have. This always reflect negatively on the organization. On the other hand, organizations that make strong or good decisions normally show the competency of their leadership and that impacts positively on the organizational performance. Decision making can follow the bottom-up system. This way, the decision is made by the line management and it is applied to the top management of an organization. Similarly, decision making can come from the top management down the management ladder. There are also situations where decision making is centric as well as when it is horizontal which involves making decision on the same level of management. Organizations need to concentrate on decisions that are in line with its strategic mission and vision statements. Such decisions ones made, should be implemented in order for their effectiveness to be felt in the organization. This paper is therefore aimed at finding out how decision making as an organizational tool works to impact the performance and outcomes of the organization. Indeed, when good decisions are made in an organization, and the decisions are implemented quickly, the performance of an organization will rise to show the increase. When a survey was done on 350 company executives to establish their organizational effectiveness, only 15% of them stated that their organizations help their businesses perform better than their competitors in their respective industries (Paul & Marcia 2006). The article sets it out clearly that what leads to different performance is the quality with which they carry out their services, speed, and how they execute their decision making process. In this case, one

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Theory Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Theory - Term Paper Example This paper will examine EBP and identify theories that affect nursing interventions and implications in primary care nursing and also highlight some of its drawbacks. The use of EBP in healthcare setting differs from conducting research. This is because in clinical settings, EBP aims at implementing the latest evidence provided by research to guide patient care towards the best achievable outcomes. A prominent characteristic of EBP is that it encourages the cultivation of the spirit of inquiry, which basically questions existing of conventional practices. Through enquiry, practitioners of primary care nursing can challenge the conventional practices and create room for changes and improvements (Yoder-Wise, 2012). For instance, clinical questions designed in the PICOT format (they deal with patient population, the issue, comparison population, outcome and time involved) are crucial in establishing the most relevant search procedures that yield quality information in the least time possible. Then, before it is implemented or integrated, the information (or evidence) is critically appraised to ensure it is valid, reliable and applicable. The signifi cance of critically appraising evidence can best be understood from the perspective of increasing professional and public need for accountability in quality improvement and safety in primary care nursing (Yoder-Wise, 2012). This is even more pronounced by the fact that preventable harm is usually caused by key deficits in conventional practices that often go unquestioned. Decision making in EBP entails integrating knowledge and experience gained through an individual’s expertise, research evidence and client preferences in the perspective of available resources (Berwick, 2009). Therefore, decision making in EBP is a prescriptive approach towards how choices are made and is founded on ideas of improving theories so that they can be useful and relevant in

Cultural Anthropology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Cultural Anthropology - Essay Example On the one hand, there is legislation preventing the manual removal of human excrement. On the other hand, the Indian government is itself employing the Dalits to perform these much outlawed tasks. This expresses a strange duality in the existing system at all levels. When compared to the West, this tends to resemble parts of the Jim Crow regime where newly freed slaves were treated just as bad or worse. It was not uncommon for slaves to perform tasks of the same gruesome nature that are depicted in the Dalit video. Even after the slaves were freed, their socio-economic circumstances forced them to carry out the same tasks in order to fend for themselves. Another major concern exposed by the video is the hypocritical nature of the legal system when it comes to the rights of Dalits. Those in power to favor the high caste Brahmins and the like against the poor and defenseless Dalits. This in turn has skewed the legal system to such an extent that it is hardly recognizable as a system to deliver justice. The brutal murders and rapes of Dalit men and women in the twenty first century are without parallel in the West. It could be argued that the West has seen its fair share of brutality during the age of slavery but this is more than over in the current age. There is hardly any trace of brutality employed through institutional means against any specific section of the society in the West in the modern day. The last traces of social exclusion in the West date back to just before the Civil Rights Movement in the sixties. Under the social exclusion regime enforced in certain states, people of African American descent were not allowed into certain public areas such as restaurants. In addition, it was generally the discretion of a business owner if they wanted to serve African Americans or not. It was common to see signs in many shop windows telling African Americans to stay out. These problems were compounded by

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Theory Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Theory - Term Paper Example This paper will examine EBP and identify theories that affect nursing interventions and implications in primary care nursing and also highlight some of its drawbacks. The use of EBP in healthcare setting differs from conducting research. This is because in clinical settings, EBP aims at implementing the latest evidence provided by research to guide patient care towards the best achievable outcomes. A prominent characteristic of EBP is that it encourages the cultivation of the spirit of inquiry, which basically questions existing of conventional practices. Through enquiry, practitioners of primary care nursing can challenge the conventional practices and create room for changes and improvements (Yoder-Wise, 2012). For instance, clinical questions designed in the PICOT format (they deal with patient population, the issue, comparison population, outcome and time involved) are crucial in establishing the most relevant search procedures that yield quality information in the least time possible. Then, before it is implemented or integrated, the information (or evidence) is critically appraised to ensure it is valid, reliable and applicable. The signifi cance of critically appraising evidence can best be understood from the perspective of increasing professional and public need for accountability in quality improvement and safety in primary care nursing (Yoder-Wise, 2012). This is even more pronounced by the fact that preventable harm is usually caused by key deficits in conventional practices that often go unquestioned. Decision making in EBP entails integrating knowledge and experience gained through an individual’s expertise, research evidence and client preferences in the perspective of available resources (Berwick, 2009). Therefore, decision making in EBP is a prescriptive approach towards how choices are made and is founded on ideas of improving theories so that they can be useful and relevant in

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How have the Gulf States used oil as their foreign policy tool (mainly Research Paper

How have the Gulf States used oil as their foreign policy tool (mainly the oil embargo of 1973)and how effective has it been - Research Paper Example Oil ministers agreed on an embargo that would see a gradual reduction in production in 5% increments over time until they had achieved their economic and political objectives; after Libya embargoed all oil shipments to the U.S., Saudi Arabia and all other Arab oil producing nations followed suit leading to the 1973 oil embargo that was equally extended to Western Europe and Japan. The onset of the 1973 oil crisis, when members of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) announced an oil embargo led to high rises in the price of oil per barrel, from US$3 to nearly $12; the short and long term economic as well as political effects of the oil embargo left devastating impacts all over the world (Ross). Price increases were also imposed in the embargo to accelerate the fall in demand of the new lower level oil supply thereby triggering a market rise in the oil price from $3 to $ 12 per barrel; since the global financial system was already under pressure from the coll apsed Bretton Woods Agreement, recessions and high inflation kicked in and persisted up to the early 1980s and oil prices continued to rise until 1986. From the mid 1980’s to 2003, the inflation-adjusted price of a barrel of oil remained stable at around 25$ per barrel but rose dramatically from 2003 beyond $30 per barrel reaching a high of $60 per barrel in 2005 and its peak was $147.30 in 2008. Many factors have been attributable to these dramatic increases in the prices of oil including the depreciation of the U.S. dollar, subsequent reports of the declining oil reserves, the tension in the Middle East, as well as the heightened speculation over oil prices. Geo-political events as well as natural disasters that are indirectly linked to the global oil market have had a significant impact on oil prices; for instance, the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict and

Monday, October 14, 2019

Moving away from hatred Essay Example for Free

Moving away from hatred Essay â€Å"On Saturday in the Serbian Town of Cacak (which is located in the Western-Central part of the country), fans of the local team Borac Cacak were conducting racial chants and wearing KKK attire aimed at one Mike Tamwanera. Usually when you have fans chanting or hissing at a player he usually plays for another team, but Tamwanera who is from Zimbabwe, plays for Borac Cacak. While arrests were made by Cacak police and the club has stated that these fans will be banned from future games, the act itself is extremely disgraceful. It is extremely disappointing to see Serbian people do this type of action The problem lies in the fact that these small group of fans who donned the garments known for extreme racism do not realize that the Ku Klux Klan have also been known to hate all minority groups including Slavic people who we Serbs are a part of. By wearing the white-cloth attire, these fans are showing that they support the hate done to their own people; its the same if Serbs wore Nazi uniforms and paraded around the town (Kross. 2006)† Looking back at these incidents, I am made to reflect on the acts of racism that I have seen and heard of here in America. One case here in America that has definitely struck a bone in me is the Jena Six (6) incident. As we know this is with regard to six (6) black teenagers beating up a white teenager and being charged with attempted murder and conspiracy. Looking at this incident, I am led to believe that the root of the case is rather complicated and is in fact rooted in decades of violence and aggression between Black and White Americans, which has led to a vicious cycle between the two. As Todd Lewan wrote in his article, â€Å"Clearly, something bad occurred in Jena, population 2,971, an old sawmill town in LaSalle Parish that, once upon a time, was Ku Klux Klan country. And, as most white and black residents readily agree, there is no good reason for embracing what unfolded here. † However, digging deeper into the story we see that the issue at heart is basically spawn by misunderstanding and hatred. Hatred that is drawn from differences we refuse to see beyond as human beings. This coupled by the fact that numerous injustices have been made in the past only add up to the existing problem. Racial acts are no longer the only scope of the norms and mores groups become socialized into but aggression and violence become a legitimate way by, which such groups express themselves. Looking back at the incident it is history repeating itself as Black Americans get back at White Americans for disputes and vice versa. In addition to this, the fact that racism is a group privilege as pointed out earlier only compounds the matter. This is since it bolsters the behavior and even perpetuates violent and aggressive acts such as the Jena 6 incident and even the beating of the gypsies in Europe. Moreover, the group does not see that such acts are wrong. Certain acts to them are merely a way by which they can express themselves and the like. Yet to think that even such actions are spawned from misunderstandings or inaccurate interpretations leads me to think that so much pain and suffering can actually be avoided if we simply open our minds. Taking into account the Jena Six incident as taken from Newsweek: â€Å"Decades of suppressed racial hostility spilled forth at the appearance of those swaying nooses. Word spread quickly that day; before long, scores of black students congregated under the tree. As black students, we didnt call it a protest, says Robert Bailey Jr. , one of the Jena Six. We just called it standing up for ourselves. School officials convened an assembly in early September, where local District Attorney Reed Walters appeared, flanked by police officers. I can be your best friend or your worst enemy, he told students, warning them to settle down. With a stroke of my pen, I can make your lives disappear. A visit to the school, along with the fact that the three white boys who admitted to hanging the nooses were only dealt a few days suspension, further inflamed the African-American community. It felt like they were saying, We can do what we want to those ns, says Marcus Jones, Bells father. Things reached a boil later in the semester. During the Thanksgiving holiday, someone set fire to the school, reducing the main academic wing to rubble (no one has been arrested, and though a link between what was ruled an arson and the racial discord hasnt been proved, many suspect there is one). The following day, Bailey was punched and beaten with beer bottles when he tried to enter a mostly white party in town. The white kid who threw the first punch was later charged with simple battery and given probation†¦ (Flores and Kovach. 2007). † We can see that the escalation to the whole incident could have been avoided if it was approached with more understanding from both races. It should not have been about White or Black but rather of what was socially and morally right or wrong. We have to realize that racism not only is morally wring but is also legally wrong. According to UN International Conventions, the term racial discrimination shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life. Although it is defined and seen in a sociological standpoint as being a group privilege and can in a certain sense cause a debate as to whether or not such behavior exhibited by a group is deviant; the fact remains that it has moral, ethical and legal ramifications. Racism, be it in the form of a racial slur or an actual physical act (whether in retaliation or not) is just plain wrong. Yes there have been numerous indignations between various races in the past but we have to learn to bridge beyond differences in ethnicity and culture. Perhaps the next step in a progressive and linear development in achieving true equality is for us to start relearning the concepts we have learned. To unlearn what it is to hate and to start seeing others as being our equal. Of course this is easier said than done. In his article entitled â€Å"Racism in America: What has to happen for black and white to unite? † Jeff Hickman sites that a greater problem or obstacle to hurdle in overcoming racism is ignorance. In his words, â€Å"As we all know it takes only a very short time to teach a person to hate, and yet you can spend a lifetime in vain attempting to repair the misguided web of lies racism encompasses†¦One of the most difficult tasks in life to accomplish is to overcome the core fundamental principles that you are taught as a child. Parents, Grandparents, and role models, yield an enormous amount of influence in the moral development of a child (Hickman. 2007). † Taking this into account we can see that norms and mores carried from one racist group can actually be passed on to the next generation. Furthermore, studies have also shown the relationship of peers and role models in reinforcing a behavior. Such is the contention of Alfred Bandura, a psychologist who formulated the Social Learning Theory. According to his theory we learn basic skills and behaviors by observing what others or rather role models do. Given the case of racism the more alarming aspect is that violence and aggression are also passed on and reinforced. Rick Van Acker â€Å"the development of chronic aggressive and violent behavior is complex and appears to involve the interplay of multiple risk factors†¦factors related to family functioning, peer associations, and the community in which the child resides, however, probably account for the greatest variation in the learning and expression of aggression and violence† (pars. 3). Hence we have a vicious cycle that we must break. As they say, hate breeds hate. Going back to what Joseph Addison said, â€Å"If men would consider not so much where they differ, as wherein they agree, there would be far less of uncharitableness and angry feeling in the world. † This is something we must all take into heart. The problem raced by racism and the ignorance it has bred is not unique to White Americans, Black Americans, Serbians or what ever other race. The connotations we have and the diversity between races should not be viewed as taboo or dreadful. Instead we should learn to respect the diversity we have cross culturally and see it as part of what makes us beautiful. Moreover, we have to see beyond the differences and realize that we are all the same†¦that we are all human beings. Racism has always been both an instrument of discrimination and a tool of exploitation. But it manifests itself as a cultural phenomenon, susceptible to cultural solutions, such as multicultural education and the promotion of ethnic identities (Sivanandan pars. 1). It is not a hopeless scenario. We can change it through continuous education and culture sensitivity. We must remember that in the end, the world we live in does not shape our society but we as human beings are the ones that create, maintain and change the very fabric of the society we live in. References Fraser, Angus. The Peoples of Europe: The Gypsies. Blackwell Publishing P, 1995. Hickman, Jeff.â€Å"Racism in America: What has to happen for white and black to unite? † The People’s Media Company. 1 May 2007. 25 September 2007. http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/221501/racism_in_america_what_has_to_hap pen. html? page=3 UN International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. 7 March 1966. New York. Kovach, Gretel C. and Campo-Flores, Arian. â€Å"A Town In Turmoil. † Newsweek Society. (20-27 August 2007 Issue). 25 September 2007. http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/20218937/site/newsweek/page/0/ Kross, Final. â€Å"Racism in Serbia and Kezman. † Fox Sports. 18 October 2006. 25 September 2007. http://community. foxsports. com/blogs/FinalKross/2006/10/18/Racism_in_Serbia_and_Kezman Lewan, Todd. â€Å"Black and white becomes gray in La. Town. † The Associated Press. 2007. 24 September 2007. http://news. yahoo. com/s/ap/20070922/ap_on_re_us/a_place_called_jena Race and Ethnicity. 31 March 2003. Elaine Leeder and US2 Design. 24 September 2007. http://www. sonoma. edu/users/l/leeder/index. htm Racism. 25 September 2007. Wkimedia Foundation, Inc. 25 September 2007. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Racism Shah, Anup. â€Å"Racism. † Global Issues. 20 December 2004. 24 September 2007. http://www. globalissues. org/HumanRights/Racism. asp#RacismagainstGypsies Sivanandan, A. â€Å"Poverty is the New Black. † The Guardian Unlimited. 17 August 2001. 25 September 2007. http://www. guardian. co. uk/globalisation/story/0,7369,538225,00. html World of Quotes. com. 2007. 2003 – 2006 Roy Russo. 24 September 2007. http://www. worldofquotes. com/topic/Difference/1/index. html. Van Acker, Rick. â€Å"Aggression and Violence: Factors Related to Their Development. † T/TAC. 1 May 1997. 25 September 2007. http://www. wm. edu/ttac/articles/challenging/aggression. html.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Lekta & the Dialectic Essays -- Philosophy Philosophical Essays

Lekta & the Dialectic The scope of Stoic logic encompasses various aspects of their philosophy and serves as the primary method through which the rest of their opinions about the world are shaped. Stoic logic is easily divisible into two realms, the realm of the dialectic, and that of rhetoric. Rhetoric, with all its breadth and superfluity, seems less valuable to Stoic logic than the more simplistic dialectic. For the Stoics, the wise man is always the dialectician, for the dialectic distinguishes the true from the false with brevity and completeness. One of the most interesting aspects of Stoic logic, the concept of sayables or lekta pertains to this dialectic. There are numerous characteristics and conditions of sayables which ultimately reveal a great deal about the whole of Stoic philosophy and pose interesting questions about the continuity of their theory. Distinct from speech, sound, voices and utterances, lekta possess qualities which distinguish them from other aspects of communication and thought. At its most simple form, absent of various other conditions, a lekton is simply a piece of language that articulates a state of affairs, carries a truth value, and â€Å"subsists in accordance with a rational impression† (LS 196). Now, while lekta cannot be simply termed as speech or ideas, they are linked in a special sense with both speech and a concept to form an opinion. â€Å"†¦three things are linked together, ‘the signification’, ‘the signifier’, and ‘the name-bearer’. The signifier is an utterance, for instance ‘Dion’; the signification is the actual state of affairs revealed by an utterance, and which we apprehend as it subsists in accordance with our thought†¦ the name-bearer is the external object, for instance, Dion ... ...olded various lekta to create their propositions, forming questions which could be universally comprehended and evaluated. Without lekta, the dialectic could not have existed. The Stoic lekta, which I believe to be a corporeal part in the Stoic hierarchy of ‘somethings,’ provide a means through which logicians and philosophers could engage in the dialectic which developed various truths which we read about today. Whether lekta are a body or not, it remains that their strong independence and resilience as somethings can be used as a means to the end of scientific truth. Engaging in rational debate with propositions filled with subjects and predicates was the cornerstone of Stoic philosophy. Without logic, and the sayables which pieced together their dialectic, the Stoics would have been unable to provide perspective on those truths which have persisted through time.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Scoliosis :: Health, Informative, Medicine

Scoliosis   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Everyone's spine has curves. These curves produce the normal rounding of the shoulder and the sway of the lower back. A spine with scoliosis has abnormal curves with a rotational deformity. This means that the spine turns on its axis like a corkscrew.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine which may have its onset in infancy but is most frequently discovered in adolescence. It is more common in females by a 2:1 ratio. However, when curves in excess of 30 degrees are evaluated, females are more frequently affected by a ration of approximately10:1. The cause of the most common form of scoliosis; idiopathic scoliosis. is unknown, but there have been hereditary factors discovered that are present.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Scoliosis causes shoulder, trunk and waistline â€Å"asymmetry†. In mild forms, the condition may be barely noticed; however, in severe forms there is significant disfigurement, back pain and postural fatigue, and it may be associated with heart failure. Fortunately the majority of scoliosis cases need only close follow-up to watch for worsening of the curve. Some cases require more aggressive treatment which could include surgery.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The non-operative treatment of scoliosis involves observing the deformity with examinations and repeated x-rays. Under certain circumstances, when spinal growth remains, a brace may be used in combination with follow-up x- rays. Physical therapy exercises have not been shown to be effective treatment for scoliosis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The most common surgical treatment for scoliosis is a spine fusion using special stainless steel rods, hooks, and a bone graft. The rods are attached to the spine with hooks and the curved portion of the spine is carefully

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Definition of Prose

A. DEFINITION OF PROSE Prose  is a form of  language  which applies ordinary  grammatical structure  and  natural flow of speech  rather than  rhythmic structure  (as in traditional  poetry). While there are  critical debates  on the construction of prose, its simplicity and loosely defined structure has led to its adoption for the majority of spoken dialogue, factual discourse as well as topical and fictional writing. It is commonly used, for example, in literature, newspapers,  magazines, encyclopedias, broadcasting, film,  history,  philosophy, law  and many other forms of communication.Prose is a form of writing that does not fall into any particular formal structure and types of prose can include drama, articles, novels, short stories, letters, history, philosophy and biographies. Prose is a term applied to any kind of discourse that is not poetry. This term usually, but not always, refers to written rather than spoken language. As the format of e veryday communication, the term prose can apply to anything from a business letter to a 600-page novel. It may be easier to define prose by examining how it differs from poetry: the distinctions between the two are most evident in the structure.Prose does not have a rhythmical construction like most poetry, nor does it utilize the specific line breaks associated with verse. It does not require the use of rhyming words at the end of lines, and it is does not employ the brevity and economical use of words for which poetry is often known. There are some elements of poetry, however, that prose does utilize. These elements include the use of metaphor, the comparison of two unlike objects, and alliteration — the use of similar sounds at the beginning of words.Prose can also employ imagery, a term for the use of specific details that help to create the concrete visual world in the mind's eye. Imagery is like a painting made out of words. From the Latin words prosa oratio, which mean â€Å"direct speech,† prose is the dominant form in literature. It the accepted mode of writing for novels, short stories, plays and folk tales. This form is also used on the Internet and in everyday business communication B. TYPES OF PROSE There are seven types of prose which is regular speech or writing, not poetry. 1. Short StoryShort Stories are a kind of prose that normally comprises of less than 10,000 to 20,000 words but can be limited to as less as 500 words. This form of prose has been around for thousands of years and probably the oldest example is an Egyptian short story entitled â€Å"The Two Brothers†, from around 3200 B. C. A  short story  is a work of fiction, usually written in  narrative  prose. Often depicting few characters and concentrating a ‘single effect' or mood, it differs from the  anecdote  in its use of  plot, and the variety of  literary techniques  it shares with the more extensive  novel.Although the short story is expressly defined by its length, the precise length of stories that can be considered ‘short' varies between critics and writers, especially when taking account of the diversity of the form across genres. As such, the short story is defined relative to other prose forms in various traditions and styles, with the precise length of each story determined by each author's artistic intent or the requirements of the plot or depiction.Like the novel, the short story tradition has been defined and shaped through the markets available for publication, and thus, the form can be practically traced through the submission guidelines of publishing houses, print and online media that have solicited them. The short story has been considered both an apprenticeship form preceding more lengthy works, and a crafted form in its own right, collected together in books of similar length, price and distribution as novels.Thus, short story writers may define their works as part of the artistic and personal expression of the form. They may also attempt to resist categorization by genre and fixed form, finding such approaches limiting and counter-intuitive to artistic form and reasoning. 2. Factual Prose This is generally used for the writing of novels and short stories. Although examples of this kind of prose has existed throughout history, they did not actually develop into a systematic form until a few centuries ago. 3. LettersLetters are a form of prose that are a written or printed communication addressed to a person or organization which are usually transmitted by mail. 4. Novels Novels are a long story written in prose which gives a lot more freedom to the writer to experiment with lots of different literacy forms in one novel. 5. Diaries Diaries are a record of daily events, appointments, observations, etc. Or a book for keeping such a record and can be used in a personal sense or by a business. Three other kinds of prose are testimonies, journals and the personal essay which are less commonly used. 6. TestimonySome published oral or written autobiographical narratives are considered â€Å"testimonial literature† particularly when they present evidence or first person accounts of human rights abuses, violence and war, and living under conditions of social oppression. This usage of the term comes originally from Latin America and the Spanish term â€Å"testimonio† when it emerged from human rights tribunals, truth commissions, and other international human rights instruments in countries such as Chile and Argentina. One of the most famous, though controversial, of these works to be translated into English is I, Rigoberta Menchu.The autobiographies of Frederick Douglass can be considered among the earliest significant English-language works in this genre. 7. Journal A journal (through French from Latin diurnalis, daily) has several related meanings: * a daily record of events or business; a private journal is usually referred to as a d iary * a newspaper or other periodical, in the literal sense of one published each day * many publications issued at stated intervals, such as magazines, academic journals, or the record of the transactions of a society are often called journals.Although journal is sometimes used as a synonym for â€Å"magazine†, in academic use, a journal refers to a serious, scholarly publication that is peer-reviewed. A non-scholarly magazine written for an educated audience about an industry or an area of professional activity is usually called a professional magazine. 8. Personal essay â€Å"For more than four hundred years, the personal essay has been one of the richest and most vibrant of all literary forms. † (The Art of the Personal Essay by Phillip Lopate. ) The personal essay is also one of the most popular forms of creative nonfiction.A personal essay can be based on a personal experience that results in a lesson that you learn. A personal essay can also be a personal opini on about a topic or issue that is important to you. This article defines the personal essay. * Definition of the Personal Essay A personal essay is either a personal narrative in which the author writes about a personal incident or experience that provided significant personal meaning or a lesson learned, or it is a personal opinion about some topic or issue that is important to the writer. * Personal Essay as a Personal NarrativeA personal narrative has the following elements: * It is based on a personal experience in which you have gained significant meaning, insight, or learned a lesson. It can also be based on a milestone or life-altering event. * It is personal narrative. The writer tells the story by including dialogue, imagery, characterization, conflict, plot, and setting. * It is written in the first person. (â€Å"I† point-of-view) * It is an autobiographical story in which the writer describes an incident that resulted in some personal growth or development. * A pe rsonal essay is a glimpse of the writer’s life.The writer describes the personal experience using the scene-building technique, weaves a theme throughout the narrative, and makes an important point. There must be a lesson or meaning. The writer cannot just write an interesting story. * It does not have to be objective. However, the writer must express his/her feelings, thoughts, and emotions. * The writer uses self-disclosure and is honest with his/her readers. * The writer writes about a real life experience. The incident or experience must have occurred. The writer must use fact and truth. * The writer must dramatize the story by using the scene building technique.A scene includes setting/location, intimate details, concrete and specific descriptions, action, and often dialogue. * The Personal Essay as a Personal Opinion A personal essay can also be an opinion piece, an opinion that is based on a particular political or social concern or topic of interest. In this type of p ersonal essay, the writer can states the problem, provide solutions, and then write a conclusion—which must state an important point. Whatever the writer discusses, the topic is of interest to the writer. The writer frequently seeks to explain the truth or reality has he/she views it. Sometimes the writer ponders a question.Other times the writer explores a topic from his own perspective. The writer must not lecture, sermonize, or moralize. In other words, the writer must present his/her opinion in such a way that allows the readers decide for themselves. In Writing Life Stories, author Bill Roorbach provides an excellent definition of the personal essay, one that is based on a personal opinion. He states that the personal essay that is based on a personal opinion has these attributes: * A personal essay is a conversation with your readers. * The personal essay is an informed mixture of storytelling, facts, wisdom, and personality. The personal essay examines a subject outsid e of yourself, but through the lens of self. * The subject of the personal essay may be the self, but the self is treated as evidence for the argument. * Passages of narrative often appear but generally get used as evidence in the inductive argument. * The personal essay strives to say what is evident, and to come to a conclusion that the reader may agree or disagree. * A personal essay can wonder through its subject, circle around it, get the long view and the short, always providing experience, knowledge, book learning, and personal history.It should also be noted that a personal essay doesn’t need to be objective. It can be purely subjective. You don’t have to prove a point or show both sides of the argument. But you must express your own personal feelings, thoughts, and opinions on a topic or issue in a logical manner. * Subject for the Personal Essay Your subject can be about anything that you are passionate about. You can write about a â€Å"turning point† in your life, or a milestone, or adversity, such as death, illness, divorce. The subject you choose must have provided you with significant personal meaning or a lesson that you have learned.But, keep in mind, you are not just reflecting or remembering, you are going to make a point, some universal truth that your readers can appreciate. Otherwise, your story is just a story. So, write about the following: * Personal experience * Incident * Anecdote * Topic * Issue * A memory Your subject can also be a personal opinion on an issue or concern that is important to you, such as the garbage strike, crime, or unemployment. C. THE ELEMENTS OF THE SHORT STORY 1. PLOT The term short story is a relatively recent one. For example, Nathaniel Hawthorne 1837 collection of stories was titled Twice Told Tales.Today, the term tale suggests a simple narrative, told in chronological order. In the past, a short work was sometimes called a sketch. Today, sketch implies the narration of only single bri ef scene. Plot has been defined as â€Å"an author’s careful arrangement of incidents in a narrative to achieve a desired effect. The description of plot structure demonstrates how authors develop their stories: the discussion of techniques reveals how authors vary the chronology, provide hints of future action, sustain interest, and introduce the idea of chance or fate in the character’s lives. CAUSALITY A plot is a series of actions, often presented in chronological order, but the ingredient a plot has that a story lacks is causality. In a narrative with a plot, there is little that happens without a cause. * CONFLICT Even with the addition of causality, however, the concert ticket anecdote lacks another important ingredient. Traditionally, plots grow out of a conflict- an internal or an external struggle between the main character and an opposing force. When a story includes internal conflict, the main character is in conflict with himself or herself.In contrast, a n external conflict can occur between the central character and either another character, society, or natural source, including fate. The most common external force is another character. * PLOT STRUCTURE In literature, exposition refers to the explanatory information a reader needs to comprehend the situation in the story. Exposition establishes the setting, the major characters and some minor ones, the situation, and any necessary background information about what happened before the story began. The initiating incident is the event that changes the situation established in the exposition and sets the conflict in motion.The rising action, various episodes occur that develop complicate. In the rising action, various episodes occur that develop, complicate, or intensify the conflict. Climax has been defined in a number of ways: the point of greatest conflict, the emotional high point, the turning point in the plot, or the point at which one of the opposing forces gains the advantage. The events that follow the climax are known as the falling action. The falling action leads into the resolution or denouement of the story. The term resolution sometimes refers to all the events that follow the climax, including the denouement. . SETTING In the days of King Alfred there lived a poor woman, whose cottage was in a remote country village, many miles from London. Thus begins the old nursery tale â€Å"Jack and the Beanstalk. † The sentence describes the setting of the tale-that is, the time (in the days of King Alfred) and the place (a cottage in a remote country village far from London). Setting is so important that some readers base their literary likes and dislikes largely on the environment in a work-the future, early Rome, the English countryside, Los Angeles in the thirties, Detroit today, Cairo yesterday. ASPECTS OF SETTING Setting can be general (a city in the Midwest in the late nineteenth century), a specific (a three-story mansion on Pine street in Ch icago in 1885), or very detailed (the darkened parlour of that mansion at four o’clock on the first Tuesday in December). Setting usually functions as more than a backdrop for a story, however. * PURPOSES OF SETTING Setting may serve a number of purposes, such as influencing action, defining character, and contributing to mood. 3. CHARACTER As a literary term, a character is a person created from a work or fiction. CLASSIFYING CHARACTER In some cases, characters are veiled, autobiographical versions of the author. Often, they are people the author knows or people the author has observed or overheard. While the origin of a character is usually irrelevant, a character’s dimensionality and purpose in the story are important. 1. ) Round and Flat Character Round character is three dimensional character complexes enough to be able to surprise the reader without losing credibility. In contrast, a flat character is one whom Forster deems incapable of surprising the reader. ) M ajor and Minor Characters The term protagonist refers to the main or central character in fiction. Protagonist is an ancient Greek word for the central character of a drama. Rather, a more neutral and accurate word to describe the protagonist’s opponent is antagonist. Like protagonist, many antagonists will also be round characters, though it is possible for an antagonist to be flat character. Together, the protagonists and antagonists comprise the major characters. Characters other than major characters are classified as minor characters.A stereotyped character represents a category of people. The word stereotype comes from printing and refers to a metal mold used to mass produce duplicates of printing type. A final character category of character might be termed the piece of furniture character. 3. ) Active and Static Characters Another way to classifying characters is to label them as active (or dynamic) or static. An active character is one who changes because of what hap pens in the plot. Static characters, however, remain unchanged; their character is the same at the end of the story as at the beginning. . POINT OF VIEW AND TONE Point of view is the vantage point from which an author tells a story. There are two main points of view : first person ( I ) and third person ( he, she , they ) , but there are variations within these point of view. a. ) First Person (I) The â€Å"I† narrator is not the author. Instead, the author creates a persona or mask through which he or she tells the story. The â€Å"I† story may be a character in the story. IF there’s no â€Å"I’s,† the story is probably told from the third person point of view. b. ) Third PersonThe Third person point of view may be omniscient (in literally means â€Å"all knowing†): that is, may reveal the thoughts of all or most of the characters. In contrast, limited omniscient point of view focuses on the thoughts of a single character. One type of limit ed omniscience is the objective point of view, in which the author makes no commentary but records only those details that can be seen and heard, rather as a newspaper reporter does. Long works of fiction are often told from several points of view, but short stories are commonly presented from a single point of view. B. ToneTone in writing is somewhat like tone of voice in speech. Tone in writing is the author’s attitude towards the characters, the topic, or the readers, as expressed by the narrator, and it may come across in number of ways Tone in writing can be, among other thing, serious, introspective, satirical, sad, ironic, playful, condescending, formal and informal. Tone is achieved through descriptive details of setting and character, through dialogue, and through the narrator, direct comment and author tone is necessarily the same throughout a work, although in a short story, the same tone is usually maintained throughout. . Tone and Mood The terms tone and mood are sometimes confused. While tone conveys the author’s attitude, mood refers to the atmosphere in a story. Atmosphere may be mysterious, horror-filled, or serene. While both the tone and the mood of a story maybe the same (both may be sad, for example), it is usually common to distinguished between these to terms. Also, the mood of a story is not necessarily the same throughout. The climax may bring about a change from despair to triumph, or from anxiety to relief or from any mood another. b. Determining ToneOne way of determining the tone of the story his to decide what effect the story has on you. For example, if the author seems sympathetic or hostile to a character, you likely will be to. If the authors tone seems aloof, you may fill a corresponding aloofness. If the author tone is lightly satirical, the effect is likely to be amusement or a sense that the author satire is well aimed. 5. THEME Theme is an author’s insight or general observation about human nature or the human condition that is conveyed through characters, plot, and imagery.If you examine carefully these two quotations expressing theme, you should deduce two important clues to the nature of a theme statement: first, it is presented in a complete sentence, and second, its contents is debatable. a. Particularity and Universality Particullary refers to the uniqueness or singularity of a work of fiction. Universality, on the other hand, refers to the relevance or applicability of a fictional work to large groups of people across time and place. b. The roots of theme c. Locating theme Just focus first on elements of each story as you read.Examine those elements closely, rereading as needed. From the factual details of plot (especially conflict), character, and setting (especially imagery), clues to the author’s debatable opinion will emerge. d. Formulating a theme statement 1. Expressing theme as multiple statements. 2. Avoiding excessive theme statement. 6. STYLE Style is a w riter’s characteristic way of saying things. It is a product of both the character of the writer as an individual and the choices that he or she makes concerning diction , imagery, syntax and variety, and organizational structure. . Diction Diction refers to a writer’s choice of words. The words chosen can be described as general or specific ( tree versus weeping willow ) ; formal or informal ( â€Å" How do you do† versus â€Å"Hello† ); abstract or concrete ( honor or brotherhood versus desk ) ; common ( drat ); jargon ( any words understood by members of a specialized group such as doctors, teachers, astronauts ) ; Latin- based or Anglo-Saxon words ( make a hotel reservation versus book a room). Whatever the choice, the author’s dixtion needs to be both clear and appropriate.However, that in fiction the author’s diction does not need to be grammatical to be clear or appropriate. b. Imagery and symbol In literature, imagery extends to all the senses-sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing. Imagery is also associated with figures of speech such as metaphor, personification, simile and others. A symbol is anything that signifies or stands for something else. In literature, symbol is anything concrete-an object, a place, a character, an action-that stands for suggest something abstract. c. SyntaxSyntax or sentence structure is the pattern or arrangement of individual words and phrases. A writer’s style also grows out of the mixture and variety of sentence patterns used in the writing. d. Organizational structure The organizational structure of most fiction is chronological: stories typically begin with exposition that established the setting, the chief characters, and the situation, including the conflict. 7. POPULAR SECTION a. Westerns The western story is a unique genre because the American frontier was a unique setting.Full of danger, hardship, beauty and the promise of wealth (or at least one’s own plo t of land), the frontier meant the opportunity to achieve the genuine independence. b. Detective and mystery A fiction that involves the unraveling of some puzzle or secret or crime is called a mystery. The classic detective story involves a police, private or amateur detective who investigates a crime and through observations, questioning, and deduction identifies the motive and the criminal from among a limited group of suspect. c. Fantasy and science fictionAll fiction is imaginary, but some of it can both be set in this world or in other world as we know it. Fantasy and science fiction can both be set in this world or in other worlds anytime. Both can and often do have social and political meaning. Fantasy has elements of the supernatural or magic. Science fiction, as its name suggest, its rooted in scientific and technological truths or in the possibility of scientific advancements based on what is known. Ghost and horror are stories that scare people have been popular and prof itable for a long time. References 1.Jane Bachman Gordon and Karen Kuehner, Fiction : The Elements of Fiction ( United States of America :1999 . PREFACE Alhamdulillahirobbilamin Gratitude belongs only to Almighty God, who has given his affection and the author for taking the time to complete the Introduction to Literature paper under the title â€Å" Fiction or Prose as Literary Genre â€Å". The authors also thank for several people who have helped in the completion of this paper. Papers on â€Å"Fiction or Prose as a Literary Genre† was filled to fulfill one presentation task Introduction to Literature course.Writing this paper aims to provide further information about the literature as an esthetic and study and the challenges to be faced in the future. This paper was presented several efforts that can be done to maintain the Introduction to Literature. The authors are aware that this paper is still far from perfect. Therefore, the authors expect criticism and suggestions either in writing or orally from the lecturer of Introduction to Literature course DR. Alek ,M. Pd so writers can develop science , especially the science of Introduction to Literature.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Christian Worldview

America is now suffering from a Great Recession which was initiated by atheistic US bankers. As the Telegraph reports, â€Å"Dr John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York, attacked exploitative money lenders who pursued ‘ruthless gain’ and urged banks not to ‘enrich themselves at their poor neighbours' expense’. † Their worldview is dominated by money. They believe in the survival of the fittest, and they think that they can get away with anything. Their philosophy is to conquer or be conquered, to exploit anyone and everyone; and morals are only for the weak.But I look at the world through the lens of a Christian, and I believe that my faith in God, my belief in absolute truth and my definition of morality based on God’s word—the Holy Bible—will make my life successful and happy. For greedy American bankers, God does not exist, but for me, He lives in my heart. They say that God is a figment of my imagination, and there is no proof tha t God exists. As Psalms 53:1 points out, â€Å"The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God. ’ They are corrupt, and their ways are vile† (New International Version).But for me, the suffering that they have now brought to themselves is proof that there is someone out there more powerful than anyone. As Psalm 19:1 asserts, â€Å"the heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. † The consequences that they will face under President Obama will be evidence that justice under God will prevail. As Isaiah 51:5 says, â€Å"My mercy and justice are coming soon. My salvation is on the way. My strong arm will bring justice to the nations. All distant lands will look to me and wait in hope for my powerful arm† (New Living Translation).And the happiness and contentment that I will enjoy throughout my life by trusting God is a confirmation of His reality and love for those who trust Him. Indeed, â€Å"All you who fear the LORD, tru st the LORD! He is your helper and your shield. † While greedy bankers may also believe in the relativity of truth, I consider it to be absolute. These people think that truth depends on perspective, just as beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. They claim that what is â€Å"evil† for me is â€Å"good† for them.They think that the whole idea of â€Å"good† and â€Å"evil† is subjective, and that it is for the â€Å"greater good† that they do all these â€Å"evils. † But I believe that good and evil are absolute. They have done evil, and that is the absolute truth, whether they like it or not. People all over the world, the majority of mankind, agree with me. The world is one in condemning them as evil. While these bankers define right and wrong based on their own â€Å"rational† thinking, I believe that only God, through his word, the Bible, can define morality.People who claim to think logically ask questions such as: â€Å" If you and your family were thrown overboard a sinking ship, and you could save only one person, either your mother or your husband who both can’t swim, who would you choose? † But in a real-life situation involving one’s family, real people don’t depend on logic like robots. Indeed, I would pray to God and attempt to save them both. I have faith that God will save us all, and faith is more powerful than logic.In the end, my Christian worldview, defined by my trust in God’s existence, my refusal to believe in the relativity of truth, and my faith in God’s Word as the ultimate resource for defining right and wrong, is my path to salvation. How I wish that everyone else can also see through my lenses. References Holy Bible: New International Version. (1978). Grand Rapids: Zondervan. Holy Bible: New Living Translation. (2007). Carol Stream: Tyndale House Publishers. Moore, M. (25 Dec 2008). Religious leaders blame bankers' greed for financial cr isis. The Telegraph.

Affinity Orientation Discrimination Cases Study Essay

Imagine that you are a department manager and you find out that a man you work with has become a woman, or you find out a woman you work with enjoys the private company of woman, would these concepts cause you to discriminate against your employees in the workplace? Analysis of case studies, understanding applicable laws, and recommending clearly defined policies for the workplace will assist with understanding and preventing affinity orientation discrimination. It is important in today’s workplace to have an intricate understanding of the difference between affinity orientation and the word sex as it pertains to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII). The term sex referred to in Title VII represents the gender of an individual employee. Affinity orientation refers to the intimate relationship that an individual may have with another individual of the same gender, or an individual’s desire to become the opposite gender, either temporarily or permanently. There are various types of affinity orientation, none of which are protected by Title VII (Bennett-Alexander, 2001 p.243). One example affinity orientation would be a woman who is a lesbian or a man who is gay. It is becoming increasingly popular for men and women to have a surgical procedure performed to become the opposite gender; this too is a form of affinity orientation. Affinity orientation has become a subject of adversity in the workforce as a result of there being little protection against discrimination for employees participating in the various types of affinity orientation. Case study analysis is a method that management can utilize to better understand affinity orientation in the workplace and preventing discrimination. Case Study #1 Michael is employed at ABC Hospital as an operating nurse. Michael had taken a leave of absence from work to have a gender change operation. Upon Michael’s return to work at ABC Hospital Michael wanted to be addressed by  the name Michelle. Since Michelle completed the gender change surgical procedures she felt that she had the right to utilize the women’s locker room and shower like all the other women employed at ABC Hospital. The male employees did not want Michelle to use the men’s locker room because of her gender change. The women refused to share the women’s locker room with Michelle, because the women knew of Michelle’s original gender. At ABC Hospital it is standard procedure for operating room nurses to wear unisex surgical scrubs. Therefore, I do not see the reason why she want use the men locker and shower room. Michelle is not wearing a uniform dress with a cap as a nurse while at work. I feel that she is still considered as a man. Michelle is hoping to file discrimination against her co-workers since having the sex change because no one is accepting her as a female. If she were hired as a male she should not feel discriminatory. I think that she should be accommodated with a locker room and shower that is for either a man or a woman. Case Study #2 Tracy is a lesbian who alleges that she has been denied an internal company promotion due to the fact that her department manager does not want to support her lesbian lifestyle. Mr. Green, Tracy’s department manager, is accused of discriminating against Tracy by not writing her a letter of recommendation for a promotion. Tracy feels that the excellent yearly performance reviews that Mr. Green wrote for her entitles her to obtain a letter of recommendation from Mr. Green. There are legitimate reasons for Tracy’s discrimination claim to be denied. Title VII offers protection against discrimination at the workplace; however, Title VII does not protect against affinity orientation in the workplace. There are no federal laws that prevent a person from being fired or refused a job on the basis of affinity orientation. There are however, the First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America, that offer freedom of speech, the right to privacy, and equal  protection under law (Bennett-Alexander, 2001, p.243). Tracy does not have a discrimination claim against her department manager Mr. Green as a result of affinity orientation. Tracy’s supervisor Mr. Green gave her excellent annual performance evaluations that are more than sufficient enough to apply and expect to be eligible any company promotions. Mr. Green is not obligated to give employees letters of recommendation for promotions, transfers, or applications for employment inside or outside of the company where he is employed as a department manager. The company followed all employee performance review procedures correctly. It is standard practice for companies to place the best-suited candidate in vacant positions. The use of employment evaluations ensures that all candidates are given equal opportunity for job advancements. Should Mr. Green have given Tracy poor performance evaluations on a consistent basis, Tracy may have been able to prove a discrimination claim. It is important to have set policies in place to keep employees informed of what criteria must be met for company advancement or promotions. Employment manuals are a suitable method of ensuring that employees are notified of company policies. In an effort to eliminate future claims of discrimination in the workplace relating to company advancement, Mr. Green should have established set policies regarding letters of recommendation. It is recommended that Mr. Green have the employee manual clearly state that department managers are not permitted to write referral letters for employees applying any positions within the company. The policy would be based on the fact that a letter of recommendation made by a department manager could indicate preference in the workplace and unfair advantage for certain employees. Another option Mr. Green could have implemented would be to permit employees to obtain letters of recommendation from sources outside of the company. Outside recommendations could strengthen an employee’s resume while not creating the opportunity for discrimination in the workplace. An implemented policy that addresses the importance of an employee’s ability to meet and  satisfy the requirements of the position would lessen the likeliness of a discrimination claim. Regardless of which position the company takes with respect to letters of recommendation, employees would be advised of company policies well in advance of applying for any positions within the company. Taking precautions in the workplace through the use of implemented policies can eliminate potential discrimination claims. Analyzing case studies, reviewing applicable laws, and recommending policies for the workplace are an excellent method of preventing affinity orientation discrimination. References Bennett-Alexander, D. D., & Hartman, L. P. (2001). Employment Law for Business (III ed.) Boston, Massachusetts: Mc Graw-Hill Primis.